Picture of flowers taken at Alamo Lake, Arizona a few weeks back.
Back to work today, you know, it's funny, I was just telling someone that I felt like I needed to make a "change" with my job because it's not challenging anymore....When I walk into work this morning, it's chaos and then the day goes by like a flash.
Nothing exciting cooking wise, ate some leftover Thai fried rice that we drove all over Northern Arizona looking for Sunday afternoon. Word to the wise, don't go to Flagstaff looking for Thai food on a Sunday, nobody is, and I mean nobody is open. So we drove back down through Sedona, waited in a really long line of traffic (two hour wait). Then drove back through Cottonwood, Jerome, then on to Prescott Valley to the old reliable Tara Thai. Now we could have saved gas and ate Thai food here at home, but we wanted to take a small drive, and trust me, it was so worth it. It was so beautiful up north this weekend, and here in town for that matter.
On Monday we got some pineapple with chili and lime, a container of guacamole and some chips from the Ranch Market and my sweetie took me to a park with a beautiful pond to have a small picnic. (I don't know what my thing is with having picnics, but I just love to.)
Hopefully, I will have a tale of more cooking adventures tomorrow........